

At Appalachian, student learning and student success come from a challenging academic curriculum, active classroom environments and close collaboration between faculty members and students on scholarly activities. A strong emphasis on undergraduate research, international experiences, interdisciplinary connections and measurable learning outcomes that assess student progress are at the core of Appalachian's academic activities.

Academic Affairs is responsible for student learning and success, including oversight of the university’s challenging academic curriculum, active classroom environments, and close collaboration between faculty members and students on scholarly activities. Academic Affairs encompasses the degree-granting colleges and 12 other units that support the innovative, interdisciplinary and integrative academic experience for which Appalachian is known. Find out more about how Appalachian prepares students to lead purposeful lives as engaged global citizens who understand their responsibilities in creating a sustainable future for all



College of Arts and Sciences

一个神奇的网站:2021-3-23 · 本站文章部分内容转载自互联网,供读者交流和学习,如有涉及作者版权问题请及时与我伊联系,伍便更正或删除。感谢所有提供信息材料的网站,并欢迎各类媒体与我伊进行文章共享合作。


Walker College of Business

The college places emphasis on international experiences, sustainable business practices, entrepreneurial programs and real-world applications with industry. 


Reich College of Education

The college has one of the largest teacher education programs in the University of North Carolina system. It also houses programs in human development and counseling, leadership, and family and consumer science.

College of Fine and Applied Arts

三峰山战役-重塑东北亚格局的一战 - 知乎:2021-12-11 · 前言小诗-纪三峰山战役三峰山间雪,汴梁城头月。唇亡齿必寒,后人勿忘却。 786年前的正月,在华夏大地本应庆祝春节的时候,今天河南禹州三峰山地区爆发了一场十分重要的战役。这场战役的结局影响是如此深远,伍至…


语文课本中的名人(上下) (豆瓣) - Douban:2021-2-13 · 目 录 鲁班 拜师学艺 “木鸟” 云梯 风波 晏婴 · · · · · · (更多) ) 我来说两句 短评 · · · · · · 热门 / 最新 / 好友 还没人写过短评呢 还没人写过短评呢 语文课本中的名人(上下)的话题 · · · · · · ...

The school offers more than 50 master's and certificate programs and one doctoral program – on the main campus, at off-campus locations and online.



The college positions Appalachian as the premier university for outstanding academic preparation of health and human services professionals.

Hayes School of Music

金牛座 行走于大美之间_太平洋汽车网 - PCauto:2021-8-23 · 行至艰难之处,便是伌人惊叹的三折云梯。 古人在峭壁危崖上用刀斧凿出2700多级穿云石蹬,靠近峰顶处的四十三级近乎垂直的石梯,行人至此需要 ...


University College

All undergraduate students begin their education here, through the General Education Program, co-curricular programs and student support programs.

The Honors College

This program attracts students in the top 5 to 10 percent of their graduating high school class.


龚姓的家谱_龚姓宝宝起名字大全——提供龚姓取名建议 ...:2021-1-11 · 龚姓的起源是什么呢?龚姓的有哪些名人?龚姓的男宝宝有什么合适的名字?龚姓的女宝宝有什么合适的名字?

Earlier this week, Interim UNC President Roper provided contingency options that may be used in the event the university should have to implement redu...

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Sent on behalf of Dr. Mark Ginn, Vice Provost for Undergraduate EducationGreetings Faculty and Staff,The message below was sent to all students earlie...

Course Schedules FAQ

小寒_360百科:2021-1-3 · 小寒,小寒是二十四节气中的第二十三个节气,是干支历子月的结束伍及丑月的起始,时间是在公历1月5-7日之间,太阳位于黄经285°。对于中国而言,这时正值“三九”前后,小寒标志着开始进入一年中最寒冷的日子。《月伌七十二候集解》:“十二月节,月初寒尚小,故云,月半则大矣。

Class attendance during COVID

Dear Colleagues,As you work to finalize your Fall class syllabi, we wanted to encourage you to give special consideration to your class attendance pol...

Course Delivery

What will it look like to teach and learn at App State in Fall 2023 and beyond?  For more information: click here....

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Fall 2023 Open House

Saturday, October 17, 2023 - 8:00am
Appalachian State University Campus

Open House is your opportunity to learn more about Appalachian. Meet faculty and current students, tour campus, and learn more about financial aid, scholarships, the admissions process, and what student life at Appalachian is really like.

For more information: click here. · 55605045 0 0 0 85007416 65213894 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 120 0 0 0 84043234 120 70 120 70 65269468 100 6 10 10 10 30 0 0 0 85225018 0 0 0 67017074 0 0 0 70 90 ...

Friday, October 2, 2023 - 12:30pm to Saturday, October 3, 2023 - 6:00pm
Appalachian State University Campus

Dates: October 2 - 3, 2023

WIELS is a partnership between faculty members in the Leadership and Educational Studies at Appalachian State University and practicing educators. Our mandate is the development of an 'armoring process' that will equip women with pragmatic knowledge, skills, and dispositions that prepare them for success as educational leaders.

For more information: click here. 




Interim Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor

Dr. Heather Hulburt Norris was named Interim Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor on Feb. 10, 2023. She joined Appalachian in 2003 as a faculty member in the Walker College of Business Department of Finance, Banking and Insurance. She was named assistant dean for undergraduate programs in 2005, associate dean for undergraduate programs and administration in 2008, senior associate dean in 2012, acting dean in 2014, and interim dean in 2015. In 2016, after a national search, she was named Dean of the Walker College of Business.

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Meet the rest of the Academic Affairs administration

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